Sunday, November 14, 2010

Article: Palestinians to U.S.: Rein in Israel or we pull out

Date: Sunday, October 10, 2010

This article by Lamine Ghanmi reported on the Palestinian Arabs, backed by the Arab League, saying "they would give the United States one month to persuade Israel to halt the building of settlements in the West Bank or risk the collapse of peace talks."

Opinion: The writer inserted the opinion that this represented a reprieve for the United States.

Opinion. Bias. Distortion. Omission. Inaccuracies/b>: The writer expressed the opinion that the talks "stalled over Israel's refusal to extend a settlement freeze on occupied land where Palestinians seek statehood." They stalled because the Arabs walked out. The land in question is not "occupied," but simply disputed.

Lack of Balance: The article repeats Arab positions and quotes Arab spokespersons with any balancing expression of Israeli positions other than a single sentence near the end and doesn't quote any Israeli spokespersons. The last sentence reads: "Israeli officials declined to comment on the Arab League meeting" without any explanation of the fact that the Arab League meeting was held on the Jewish Sabbath, during which no Israeli officials would be able to comment.


Factual Accuracy: 8
Bias-Free: 5
Pro-Israel: 0
Anti-Israel: 5

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