Sunday, September 19, 2010

Article: Iranian leader criticizes Mideast peace talks

Date: Sunday, September 19, 2010

This was a short article reporting on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad meeting with Syrian President Bashar Assad, saying negotiations would fail unless "true representatives of the Palestinian people" participated and "The Islamic republic believes that the only way to resolve the Palestine problem is through the people's vote."


Factual Accuracy: 10
Bias-Free: 10
Pro-Israel: 0
Anti-Israel: 0


  1. In another article, I read that the Palestinian Authority is not the true representative of the Palestinian people according to Hamas. So, if the PA is not supposed to be the representative, then who is? And how could the people's vote be used to decide on this when the Israelis are also involved? There won't probably no peace at all if both sides remain close-minded and head-strong.

  2. Interesting point. For years, the world criticized Israel for not recognizing the PLO as the "true representative" of the Palestinian Arabs. It finally caved in to the pressure, allowed the creation of the PA under the control of the PLO, and now we get the argument that, essentially, Israel was right in the first place.

    For the last 62 years, it's just been one side (the Arabs) which has been "close-minded and head-strong;" the other side (the Israelis) have been open to any reasonable compromise and has made offers which have gone well beyond the reasonable. Unfortunately, it takes two to tango.
